
I hope you enjoy reading about how I juggle all the aspects of being a mom, working and taking classes. Please feel free to leave advice or ideas. Also, respect my request for no bad language or disrespectful comments. Thank you for visiting and God Bless.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How fragile life is

I have spent the last week or more dealing with a tragic blow to our community and family. We lost a child, my son's friend. He died from an ATV accident, he was only 12 years old. When I was going through this I kept thinking back on spiritual balance and meditation. My mind felt scattered to the wind and my heart was broken in two places. As a mother I could not fix it and make it better and as a friend I couldn't fix it and make it better. As the days ran togethor and tears dropped I decided my mind needed a quite space. I couldn't believe it myself I actually focused on my breathing, closed my eyes, and just listened to the wind outside, nothing else. I am not sure how long I was there but I did talk to Wyatt and told him how much he meant to us, how much we miss him and I would be there for his mom. I felt, not empty, not better, just calm, easy, able to think clearer. We layed him to rest on Saturday and I slept almost all Sunday, I am okay. I still miss him and my son is still missing him, but it doesn't hurt when I think about Wyatt. I decided to train my mind to not see the accident, I see all the wonderful memories.

I will share one with you. Wyatt would go to practice for football early and practice kicking, he was on my son's popwarner team, jr peewee's. I remember asking Wyatt if I could kick the ball and he said, "sure I'll hold it for you Miss Kandy" well I kicked and got so excited because I seen the ball go over the post. Wyatt was just sitting there giggling and showed me the ball. I had actually lost my black shoe over the goal post. We bothed laughed and he went for my shoe for me. I will hold that memory as my own loving kindness. I am working on my self during this class and discovered during this tragedy that self reflection, inner loving kindness, quite meditation and spiritual feeling does work.

1 comment:

  1. What a tragic blow to all! My deepest condolences as my heart goes out to Wyatt's family, you, and your son. I cannot imagine anything worse than losing a child,especially one so young! I imagine meditative practices are the last thing on your mind; you are a brave person for at least trying. It is a good idea to reflect on the wonderful memories, and you shared a beautiful one. For what it's worth, contemplative practices are intended to help us develop human flourishing; and part of that is to help maintain peace and wisdom even with illness, aging, and dealing with death. I pray that you will be able to find peace, understanding, and healing as you participate in future practices. I know this is late, but I wanted to share this with you as your post touched my heart deeply.

    May God bless you and your loved ones and keep you safe.

