
I hope you enjoy reading about how I juggle all the aspects of being a mom, working and taking classes. Please feel free to leave advice or ideas. Also, respect my request for no bad language or disrespectful comments. Thank you for visiting and God Bless.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

6 Days till Christmas

I can not believe this year is almost over. It seems like my days fly by with nothing done. I was unable to complete all my christmas shopping yet...ugh.. can we say major stress factor.!! Well I did have a christmas party to attend but my husbands tooth started acting up and I was not up to 100% myself. Oh well, this move and everything has worn me out I will just have to do twice as much next year. I know I said I wasn't going to decorate but it feels so not christmas here. I should be walking around saying hume bug...lol.. I really do love this time of year so I will have to break down and do the decorating even with the newly painted walls. The kids have been great they haven't even said any thing about not having the christmas decorations up. We are going to get a tree tonight, time willing... so keep your fingers crossed.. I did accomplish some things this weekend, not all but some. I even think I will try that meditation thing again, it was pretty relaxing. Who knows I may have found a way to de stress and sleep for atleast a whole 5 hours straight..:) Well talk more later blog family...Not alot of interesting things today, still not 100%

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am now able to post directly from my iPhone. Look out world expert blogger here. Lol

how many days till christmas!

I discovered it is almost Christmas..REALLY!! I have not even had time to finish the painting yet or think about shopping. I think this year will be a little off since we have moved right at the last part of the year. Also since my husband decided to paint the inside of the house before christmas...yes I said before..! Does he realize you can't hang decorations on a freshly painted wall....! Oh well next year at this time our house will be beautiful, I may even decorate extra early.:) Hope everyone is doing great and has all their shopping done for the holiday..if you do don't tell me..lol..I will be posting on questions from school here also so stay tuned for some interesting conversations on Health and Wellness. Who knows maybe we can learn something togethor. :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Murphy's Law...

I can only say thank goodness it is Sunday! The last 3 days has been hectic and stressful. I had to work first of all, than my youngest hurt her 2 front teeth and had to see an emergency dentist. The overtime I worked just went out the window...lol. Than during all this my books for my health class never came until Friday.

Well as I said, Murphy's law, if it is going to happen it will happen to me. I try to get ahead or at least get caught up and life always happens. Lets not forget, my husband, he wants to get the house painted BEFORE Christmas..Really !!!

Okay, so my class is on Health and Wellness, it discusses all the aspects of being healthy from the mind, body and spirit. I wonder how healthy I am with all the stress from the last 3 days...lol. Oh well time to get homework done and start painting.. did I mention my daughters new friend next door? This child comes over and knocks on the door than walks in. She has been here all morning, really does she have a home.. lol. I am know trying to get school work done, cater to 2 little girls and clean for the best fun..painting. Wish me luck :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My little Warrior Cheerleader

My daughter Alyssa, who is 6, could not wait to be a Warrior Cheerleader. I am so proud of her she did great this year. All the girls did the cheers so great. They are all so cute, these pictures are of the girls during a game. They are dressed in pink and black for Breast Cancer Awareness.

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Well I started a new Blog for my class project. At this point I am excited to share all my experiences about being a mom. I am also looking forward to sharing the fun things my kids say and do on a daily basis.

The other side of the blog will be sharing how my school progress is going. What I finally decide to be and how my hair hasn't fallen out yet with all the stress. Just kidding, I am very excited about this semester and all the new concepts I will be learning.

Just think, this time next year I will hopefully be done with my Bachelor's degree and will either be working on a Doctrine in Nursing or Masters in Nursing. Hopefully while I am blogging I get a few good tips and advice on what route to take....hint, hint...:)

Since this sight will also include information related to my friends and family life I may not always sound positive. That is what blogging is about, to vent the bad and share the good aspects of my life.

I look forward to sharing the upside down schedule I call my life with you all. Remember, life is for living, laughing and loving.