I currently work as a nurse and I can honestly say it is important for us to develope ourselves. When you are taking care of sick people all day it can be very stressful. The patients do not mean to be angry or unthankful so you take all that negative feeling inside yourself. If you are not able to relax and gain your inner stability you can not help the patients relax.
If you are not in touch with your integral health you can not expect a patient to look to you for comfort or proper information. You can not instruct a patient on integral health if you don't practice this yourself. It would be like smoking and smelling of old cigarettes while telling your patient to stop smoking. They would loss trust in what you say and any rapport you had with that patient is broken.
In the beginning of this class we each scored our self on different integral health aspects. When I look back on those scores it is with much saddness that I have not met those goals I set.
My score for psychological or mental health was is less, but not by much, previously I scored myself as 7/10. My current score I would have to say 5/10, that is a huge step for me and I plan on lowering that score much more.
The next previous score was on my spirituality, that was 7/10. I can honestly say that score has not improved. I will continue to try and work my way spiritually but right know I am just not feeling the move.
The physical score I gave myself in the beginng was 5, I am still at a 5 and have not lost any weight at this point. I refuse to feel down about this and will work on the weight loss even after this class.
My goals are before me and my past behind me, lets hope I quit looking behind me and focus forward. I will live a healthier life, I will practice my meditation times to lower my stress and connect with myself again. I will attend church at least once this month and hope to work my way up to every sunday. As you can see I gave myself no options by saying I will.
As I am doing these positive things I will keep track right here for all to see and commnet on, even give me a swift kick when I try to make excuses.
ReplyDeleteThat is really interesting that you lowered your score from the first time you rated your psychological health. Do you think what you have learned in the class made you more aware of the improvement that can be made in that area of your life?